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Log of Canomie
Monday 2 Feby
Engaged during the forenoon writing and
getting things ready for Dunphy
Midday Chloe got away for the Solomons
W. Dunphy in charge. Marcus and Alfonso
drivers for Owen and 9 Solomon boys. The
whole we have here with the exception of
Kamo Lord Howe and Leinon Faise
Afternoon engaged with Mr Wolff
Otte left shortly before the Chloe for the
British Solomons.

Tuesday 3 Feby
Squall with rain from N to NW during
the night and most of the forenoon
10.30 McVoight. came off and measured
Canomie after which got under weigh and
worked to Matupi arriving about 3:30
Left Herbertshohe 11:45 with light N W wind
which afterwards freshened up more from
the North
Evening fine

Wednesday 4 Feby
At anchor Matupi

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