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order to kill out the growth, leaving the ground work for
the last.
It should also be reported, that the native woods,
trees and shrubs, selected and retained as neucleus to the
future ornamentation of the Park, was by nature very
favorable, so that even now, inits most raw condition,
the landscape development is quite effective and bids results
still more attractive in genuine Park scenery.
On the day, previous to the departure of your
superintendent, he received a communication (in French)
from Monseur De Villmoran, stating that he not only
had secured official recognition for the City of Seattle
for special exchanges of rare plants and seeds from his
own, the French governmental gardens and the Arnold
Arboretum, Mass
. but had also secured the same from
the Royal Kyew Gardens of England.
It is therefore, with no little satisfaction,
reported to your Honorable Board, that through his trip
to Mount Rainier entailed a large personal expense, and
was devoted to the producing of as large results, as so limited
time, upon as large as area of territory permitted, especially
where there still remained large areas of snow and consequent
immature vegetation, the collection consists of a large and
quite complete assortment of specimens in leaf and bloom
which are now under treatment for preservation and can
not be distribute beside some 40 kinds of choice varieties
with mature seeds.
It is urged, that the City of Seattle should
make as large and complete a collection of her native
tree - shrub - and - plant - seeds, as can be made possible
for the contribution to these noted government institutions
shall be of sufficient amount to deserve valuable recognition

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