
Department of Parks and Recreation Monthly Report, July 1892. See full description in Digital Collections




Report Supt Parks July 1892 Filed Aug 3/92


Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb



July Report to the Honorable the Board of Park Commissioners Seattle Wash Gentlemen The following report is made coverintg the work and outlay of the Department Kinnear Park received its summer care and attention, one dozen more rustic seats were added and others were canopied These are yet insufficient it is concluded that two dozen more be authorized. City Park Nursery. The old sash has been remodeled into size 3'x6' instead of 6'x6' enlarged and straightened, and minor repairs attended to seeding and cutting beds all being constantly added and set 3500 cuttings a lot of Ramil plants were received from the Berkley Government Station and some small exchanges made all of which correct account is being kept. 84 loads of manure 30 loads of secondary stuff drawn, and team ground work done. This department is waiting seed and cutting collections from citizens and other native sources. The survey of the Boulevard System reports 172 acres of plane table topography in a distance of 8 miles meander lines 5&87hundredths miles of transit and level base lines. Considerable rough and difficult ground was compassed in the work. The ground traversed presents most favorable conditions for graceful alignment and grade a large portion of it is most advantageous is realizing immediate Park effects in its

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


material available and fine growth of native trees and undergrowth so that the lines now traversed will better conformto the conditions of an attended Park and ans Drives that a defined boulevard proper Its location extends now from Madison Street through Madrona and Leshi parks, then reaching the City Water Works where it separates, one branc folowing the shore, the other entering a charming alder valley. Designated by its owners as "Hunter's Glen" leading to leading to and by the Seattle Field Club Grounds; thence to the slough in Section 15 through a broad valley where it will be able to diverge North and South again uniting with the Shore line Leading to Brighton Beach and the Peninsula, to which latter point the topographical work extends The Department extends its thanks to the following parties for Maps, blue prints and other valuable data useful in this work namely. Blu E Snipes W D Woods Clise Investment Co Edward Blewitt J K Edwiston West Seattle Land Co Northern Pacific R R Co Seattle and Montana R R Richard Iwins H S Twuer Dale H Gilman

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


We also submit the report of July 15th To the Honorable The Board of Park Commissioners Seattle Wash Gentlemen The matter of enlarging the area of the nursery, recommends itself to your action the month of August is the most propitious to kill out native growth as well as prepare the ground for fall planting The enlargement of the nursery will entail the addition of more water pipes and hydrants. During the past month the supply of water failed in the nursery even with attempted night watering As already stated the month of August is the best month of all the year, to cull out of material woods the growth which should not force a part of the Landscape Scenery that is the formulating of such results out of the natural stuff as also to find room for the desirable growth to properly develop into shapely natural form, by cutting out the undesirable stuff. Whatever the plan the natural topography of the City Park may be capable of developing there is no little natural growth which should be retained encouraged and enter into the composition of its future landscape dress formulating views vistas and perspectives, so that a comparative small outlay of

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


were cutting-out now, will produce important and valuable results in a short time. The stubbs left in the ground will soon die out and decay and greatly reduce the cost of the eventual improvement then also prevent the irreparable damage to the entire growth by overcrowding Some of this class of work should be done in Kinnear Park though in this park the Natural growth had been somewhat relieved by the paths and danger is not imminent for a year or two. Respectfully Seattle July 20th 1892

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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