Notice to Board of County Commissioners
Columbia City, King Co Wash
To the honorable baord of County Commissioners, King
county Washington
We the undersigned and all being legal
voters and residents within the boundaries of the
territory hereinafter described, respectfully peti-
tion your honorable board, and hereby make ap-
plication to become incorporated as an in incorpor-
ated town under and by virtue if the provisions
of the statutes of Washington, enacted and ap-
proved March 27, 1890, to be known and in corporated
as the towm of "Columbia", and to include the
following described territory all contiguous and
being within the County of King, State of Wash-
ington, to wit:
The North half(N 1/2) of the southwest quarter(SW 1/4)
of the northwest quarter(NW 1/4)
and Lots' 9, 10, 11 in
B W John's and C H Hanford's five acre tracts, al
in section No twenty three(23); The northeast quarter
(NE 1/4) of the southeast quarter (SE 1/4); the southeast qu-
arter (SE 1/4) of the northeast quarter (NE 1/4); the north
half (N1/2) of the southwest quarter (SW 1/4) of the
northeast quarter(NE 1/4); the southeast quarter
of the northweat quarter(NW 1/4); the northeast quar-
ter (NE 1/4) of the northwest quarter (NW 1/4), (the same
now being lots platted as the town of Columbia); the
northwest quarter (NW 1/4) of the northwest quarter
(NW 1/4); the north half of the southwest quarter
(SW 1/4) of the northwest quarter (NW 1/4); the northeast
quarter (NE 1/4) of the southwest quarter (SW 1/4) the same
being lots one (1), two(2), three(3), four(4), thirteen(13),
fourteen(14), fifteen(15) and sixteen(16) of the
plat of Sunnyside five acre tracts; the east half
(E 1/2) of the northwest quarter(NW 1/4)of the south
west quarter (SW 1/4), all in section No twenty
two(22); the east half (E 1/2) of the southeast quarter
(SE 1/4) of the northeast quarter(NE 1/4) of the
half (E1/2) of the northeast quarter(NE 1/4) of the
Northeast quarter (NE 1/4); in section No twenty-one
(21); and the following tract situated in
Section No fifteeen (15), and described by meets
and bounds as follows: Beginning at a point
six hundred and sixty eight (668) feet east of
the corner to section fifteen (15); sixteen(16),
twenty one(21) and twenty ywo (22), township
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