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Columbia March 13th 1893
Town Council met at the Town Hall, Mayor C P
presiding, with the following councilmen
present Hellenthal, Voland, Willacy & Sullivan
The minutes of the special meeting held on March
2nd, at the K of P Hall, were read and on motion
The minutes of the last meeting was read and on motion
A petition was presented and read to grade and
sidewalk Columbia St from Noble St to Letitia St.
On motion same was laid on the table for two weeks.
On motion the Street Committee was empowered to
have the grade established on Noble, Winston, Cald-
, Letitia, Rainier Ave, Americus, Augustine,
Columbus, Ferdinand, Hudson Streets. and the pro-
posed route to Lake Washington.
On motion the door sill of the front door of the
K of P Hall was selected as the starting point
to establish the grade of the town and the Attor-
ney instructed to draw an ordinance to the effect.
A petition signed by 30 citizens for the reduction
of or modification of Ordinance No16 (providing
for a Dog tax) was presented and read and
on motion same was laid on table until next meeting.
Ordinance No 19 (relating to the Board
of Health and otherwise to the keeping of the
townin proper condition) read and
on motion passed by the Council and approved
by the mayor.
Motin made and carried to adhourne to meet
Monday Mch 20th 1893
Approved Mch 20th 1893
B R Shaw clerk
C P Hutchinson mayor

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