Columbia July 15th 1893
The Council met pursuant to adhournment, Mayor
C P Hutchinson presiding, Roll call and the
following Councilmen present, Schade
Willacy & Bond.
The minutes of the two last meetings read
and on motion approved.
Communication from the A Hughston read
declining to enter into contract with the
Town to build sidewalk on Columbus St
and on motion it was decided to let
the contract to the next lowest bidder.
Joseph Hellenthal and the Attorney in-
structed to draw up a contract for the
compliance of same.
The assessment Roll Call the improvement
of Columbus St received from the clerk
read and on motion the clerk was instructed
to post the assessment Notices as requited
by ordinance #29.
Motinmade and carried to adjourne
to meet Tuesday July 25th at 8 o'clock pm
Approved July 25th 1893
B R Shaw clerk
C P Hutchinsonmayor
Approve Aug 7th 1893
C P Hutchinson mayor
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