Columbia Feb 5th 1894
The town council met at the Town Hall
Mayor Hutchinson presiding
Roll call and the following council men
present - Calder, McKay, Willacy,
Groat & Chase
The minutes of the last meeting read and
The committee appointed to interview
Mr Camp in regard to the running
of Cars in the town limits made a verbal
report and on motion the same was
acceppted and the committee discharged.
A petition was read praying for the
wages of common laborers to be placed
to the old rate of 25 cents per hour. the
Matter was discussed and on motion
the petition was laid on the table indefinitely.
Motion made and carried that common
laborers be paid at the rate of 25 cents per hour.
Ordinance #41 taken up and on
motion the same was laid on the
table indefinitely.
Ordinance #42 regulating the salary
of the Marshall, Clerk, and Attorney
read and on motion passed by the
council and approved by the Mayor.
On motion Mr. Hellenthal was given one
week more time to report in.
Bill from Z C Miles for water pipes
and fittings $96.69 read and on motion
ordered paid.
Bill from Hepler Lumber Co for pipe fittings
$ read and on motion ordered places
to their credit on water rent.
ordered paid.
Bill from William Willacy for cash
paid for frieght $2.90, Car fare 10 cents,
sharpening picks 90 cents total $4.15 read
and on motion ordered paid.
A compliant from Nettie Wood asking
for $5000 damages sustained by a fall
on Columbia St read and referred to
the City Attorney.
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