Columbia Feb 26th 1894
The Town council met pursuant to
adjournment Mayor Hutchinson presiding
Roll call and the following council men
present - Groat, McKay, Willacy & Calder
The minutes of the last meeting read
and on motion approved as read.
The Park committee report in writing
and on motion accepted and ordered
placed on file.
The statement from the County Treasurer
of taxes collected during the month
of January read, also receipt from
Treasurer Schade and on motion
ordered placed of file.
Communicatin from H H A Hastings
in reference to the claim of Nettie Wood
against the Town read and on motion
ordered placed on file.
Also communicationfrom Mr Hastings
in reference to the colletion of street grade
assessment on Columbia St, read and
on motinlaid on the table until next
The Bond and oath of office fo D C
Brown read and motion of same
accepted and orderd placed on file.
Motion made and carried to post [?] the
letting the work of finishing the
grading of Angeline St until next
Motin made and carried to instruct the
City Attorney to draw up new Dog Tax ordinance
making the tax $1.00 per dog.
Motion made and carried to adjourn
to meet Monday Mar 5th 1894 at
8 o'clock pm
Approved Mar 5th 1894
[B R Shaw]] clerk
C P Hutchinson mayor
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