Columbia March 12th 1894
The Town council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment Mayor Hutchinson presiding
Roll call and the following council men
present - McKay, Willacy, Groat
and Calder
The minutes of the last meeting read and
on motion approved
The contract made between Fred H
Peterson Edmund Peters and the Town
of Columbia read and on motion accepted
and signed by the Mayor and Clerk, and
on motion a warrant was ordered drawn
infor Fred H Peterson for $100.00 as
retaining fee in the suit to recover the
property known as the Columbia Park
On motion Ordinance #45 relating to
the payment of street grade assessments
taken up and read and on motion
passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor.
On motion Ordinance #44 relating to the
apportionment of funds collected as taxes
read and on motion passed by the Council
and approved by the Mayor.
Onmotion Ordinance #41 relating to the
operation and control of street and
electric railway cars in the Town of
Columbia read and the motion made
to lay it on the table indefinitely was lost
and the motion made to pass the same
carried and it was duly signed by
the mayor.
On motion F E Scott was given the contract
to finish the grading of Angeline St at
the same price as the former contract
and Attorney Heston instructed to draw
a contract to that effect.
Motion made and carried to adjourn
to meet Monday April 2nd at 8 o'clock pm
approved April 2 1894
B R Shaw clerk
C P Hutchinson mayor
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