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Columbia March 12th 1894
The Town council met pursuant to adjournment
Mayor Hutchinson presiding
Roll call and the following council men present
McKay, Calder, Groat & Willacy
The minutes of the last meeting read and on
motion approved
The Clerk quarterly report read and on motion
accepted and ordered placed on file.
The report of the County Treasurer for taxes
collected during the month of February read
and on motin placed on file.
A list of delinquint water rent due the Town
was read and on motion the Treasurer was
instructed to hand the same over to the
Marshall wil the instruction for him to notify
the consumers that unless thy same was paid
by the 15th of the month, the water would
be turned off.
Bill from E L Hepler for lumber furnished
the Town $19.07 and on instruction a warrant
was ordered drawn on payment of same.
A Bill from J M Bemiss for repairing
harnesses for F E Scott $33.85 read and on
motion laid on the table to by approval by
Mr Scott.
A communication was read protesting
against issueing a warrant in favor of
H H A Hastings for his quarterly salary and
on motion the same was ordered laid on
the table until next meeting and Mr
HAstings to be notified of the above action
Motion made and carried that warrnty be
drawn in for the Clerk and Marshall for their
quarterly salary.
On motion the attorney instructed to draw up
an ordinance regulating the running and
operating of Electric Cars in the Town
Motion made and carried to adjourn to meet
Monday April 9th at 8 o'clock pm
Approved April 9th 1894
B R Shaw clerk
C P Hutchinson mayor

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