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Columbia May 7th 1894
The Town Council met pursuant to adjournment
Mayor Hutchinson presiding
Roll call and the following councilmen
present, McKay, Groat and Calder,
The minutes of the last meeting read and on
motion approved.
The Park committee report progress
A petition was presented and read asking the
council pass an ordinance prohibiting stock
running at large in the limits of the town.
The same was discussed and on motion the same
was laid on the table idefinitely.
The Engineer's report on the grading of Angeline Street by
Contractor Scott and on motion the same was accepted and
warrants ordered drawn for payment of same less 30%
on the work done under the new contract.
The engineer's report on the side walk contrace of Hughler
& Co
read and on motion the same was accepted and
warrants ordered drawn for the payment of same in full.
Bill from A H Hepler for 1 day's work helping
the Engineer on Angeline Street $2.50 read and on motion
ordered paid also Bill from Ray & Co for 1 day's work at
same $2.50 paid.
Bill from C L Woodman for $23.75 for engineer work on
Angeline St
Bill from E L Hepler for $9.00 work on water works
for months of March, April & May read and on motion
warrant ordered drawn for payment of same.
Motion made and carried to lay all bills filed
against the Town for work on Angeline St grade on the
table until next month.
Motion made and carried to instruct Treasurer
Schade to secure additional bondsmen.
Motion made and carried to adjourn
to meet Monday June 4th at 8 o'clock pm
Approved June 4th 1894
B R Shaw clerk
C P Hutchinson mayor

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