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Columbia April 4th 1895
The Town Council met pursuant to
adjournment. Mayor Pierson presiding
Roll call and the following councilmen
present Almquist, Groat & Calder
The minutes of themlast meeting
read and on motion approved
The Committee appointed to notify
the officers to file their bonds report and
on motionmthe same accepted and the
committee discharged.
The Committee appointed to examine
the Treasurers water book report and on
motion the same was accepted and the
committee given more time to make final
report. The Council authorizing them to
demand the book at once.
The Bond of B R Shaw as Clerk filed
and on motion the same now accepted.
The Bond of O A Schade as Treasurer
filed and on motion the same rejected
and the committee appointed to examine the
bonds notified to return the Treasurers bond
and for him to file a properly executed
one as soon as possible.
The Clerk & Marshal quarterly reports
read and on motion the same are filed
and ordered placed on file.
On motion the Clerk authorized
to notify Tresurer Schade to file his quarterly
report at the next regualar meeting the
would justifibly request that the same shall
be made. A protest signed by A H Hack
read and on motion referred to the Board of
Motion made and carried to draw warrants for
the Officers quarterly salary.
Motion made and carried that the water
book be turned over to the Marshal and for him
to have [?] of collecting the note rent
[?] to reserve on compensation on water fees
and 1% on all money collected from same
Motion made and carried to adjoune to
next first Monday in May 8 o'clock PM
B R Shaw clerk
Approved V R Peirson mayor

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