Columbia Wash Nov 25th 1/96
Special meeeting of the Town Council of the
Town of Columbia called for the purpose
of actingon matters pertaining to Street
Grade Assessment.
Mayor Peirson presiding:
Present F J Browne, D C Brown & Groat
and Hepler Councilmen
The Clerk Being Absent F J Browne was
elected Clerk pro tem:
The City Attorney W S McCurley addressed the
the Council regarding the Matter of bringing
suit to collect Grade Taxes against the
following properties in the Town of Columbia
Lots 110, 111 & 113 in Blk 4 ,Lots 126,127,128 &129
in Blk 5, Lots 143, 147, 148 & 154 in Blk 6,
Angeline St, and Lots 169, 170, 176, 179 & 180
in BLock 5, Lot 157 in Blk 6 and Lots 195 & 196
in Blk 10 Columbia St:
On motion the Attorney was instructed to
begin suit:
On motion $28.00 were transferred from
General fund to the Emergancy Fund:
On motion a warrant for $28.00 was ordered to be
drawn on the Emergency fund in favor
of the City Attorney to meet the expense
of litigation:
On motion the Marshal C P Hutchinson, was
instructed to serve the necessary papers
in the cases at a compensation fo$2.00
per day on necessary expenses:
On motion Council adjourned
Approved Dec 7th 1896 mayor
J A Kelso by F J Browne clerk pro tem
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