Columbia Wash Apr 5th 1/97
The Town Council of the Town of
Columbia met in Regular meeting:
Meeting Called to order
Mayor Reeves presiding
Roll called and following answered
present Chase, Osgood, and ]]Cameron]]
Absent Brown and Hepler
Minutes of last meeting read and
Street Committee report Sidewalk on
Winston St finished and following
Bills presented for payt of same.
Cost of material $15.00 and donations
to the amt of $5.50 leaving a balance of
$9.50 which on Emergency Fund warrant was isssued
by the Clerk and signed by the mayor.
On motion Report of Committee was accepted
and issuing of emergency fund warrant of
$9.50 was ratified:
Report of treasurer was read and referred
to finance Committee.
Report of Attorney read and referred
to Finance Committee:
Report of Marshal read and referred
to Finance Commiteee:
Report of C P Hutchinson for the month
of January read and referred to
Finance Commitee:
Clerk is given further time to report
back Water Accounts reported by the
Marshal and referred to Finance Committee
Bill of J J Knitz for material to repair
water pipe in the sum of $2.25, also Bill
for $1.50 for labor was read and
on motion the same were ordered
paid out of the Emergency Fund:
Ordinance #71 An ordinance
regulating the keeping of Dogs in the Town
of Columbia for the licensing of the
same and providing a penalty; was
taken up by sections and on
motion the same was passed as
a whole: approved by the mayor
and attested by the Clerk.
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