173 Columbia City Wash Jan 3d 1898 The Town Council of the Town of Columbia met in regular session at 8:30 o'clock Mayor Reeves presided. Roll call answered by Campbell, Osgood, and Cameron. Minutes of last regular meeting read and approved without correction. Report of Clerk for the year 1897 read and referred to the Finance Committee. Treasurer's report read and referred to the Finance Committee. Billd for J H Garber, G T Quimby, amd L A Osgood, for services as judges and Inspector of elections read and accepted. On motion warrants were ordered drawn on the Emergency Fund for the amount each $2.50 . Bill of C F Reeves in behalf of Leonard Harrison for street work read and accepted and on motion warrant was ordered drawn on the Emergency Fund for the amount $.50 cts. On motion warrant was ordered drawn on the Emergency Fund in favor of J H Garber, for the sum of $6.00 for services as Marshal pro tem from Dec 6th, 1897 to Jan 11th, 1898 On motion warrants were ordered drawn on the General Fund for the regular quarterly salary of the Clerk and City Attorney, for the quarter ending Dec 31st 1897. Motion was then made to adjourn and to reassemble as Canvassing Board of Elections. Adjourned Accordingly. C S Chase clerk Council immediately reassembled as Canvassing Board of Election, with Mayor Reeves, presiding and C S Chase as clerk. Whereupon, making due canvass of the election returns as certified by Inspector.
174 and Judges of election it was unanimously declared that the following named officers were duly elected. Dr Homer E Brooks, Town treasurer for the term of one year. Mr J A Campbell, Town councilman for the term of two years. Mr C R Hepler, Town councilman for the term of two years. Mr R H Heston, Town councilman for the term of two years. C S Chase Clerk of Canvass Baoard of Election
175 Columbia City Wash Jan 11th 1989 the Town Council of the Town of Columbia met in regular session ot 8:15 PM Mayor Reeves in the chair. Roll call answered to by Campbell, Osgood, and Cameron. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved without correction. Report of the Finance committee read and on motion was accpeted, Report of City Attorney read and on motion was accpeted. Final Report of the retiring Treasurer accepted and places on file. Council then adjourned byregular motion to give the newly elected Council opportunity to qualify and come to order of business. Thenew Council came to order represented by J A Campbell, Chas Cameron Thad Osgood and C R Hepler. Heston absent. Newly elected officers duly qualified by signing oath's of office and filing same with the Clerk. The bond of the new Treasurer examined by the Finance Committee and by regular motion was accepted by the council. On motion the City Attorney was instructed to draw up an ordinance establishing the salaries of the Town Officers, under the now cash basis for the year 1898 as follows: City Attorney $6.00 per month City Clerk $5.00 per month City Marshal $6.50 per month Proceeding to the business of appointing officers for the year 1898 the following were duly elected by regular motion W S McCurley City Attorney C S Chase City Clerk J H Garber City Marshal
176 By order of the Mayor the Clerk was instructed to open the registration books of the Town of Columbia for the year 1898 On motion Council adjourned. C S Chase clerk Additional Committees were appointed by the Mayor for the year 1898 as follows: Water Committee Cameron & Osgood Finance Committee Campbell, Hepler & Heston Lights Committee Heston & Campbell Building & Wharves Osgood & Hepler Board of Health elected by the new council: Campbell, Lawrence, Hastings, Cameron and Whittington.
C F Reeves mayor C S Chase clerk
177 Columbia City, King Co Wash Feb 7th 1898 The town Council of the Town of Columbia met in regular session at 8 o'clock PM withMayor Reeves in the chair, Roll Call answered by Cameron, Osgood and Hepler. Minutes of last session read and with the addition of list of committees and Board of Health for the ensuing year were approved. Report of Marshal, and Attorney was deferred until next regular meeting. On motion Mr J A Kelso was elected to the office of municipal judge, vice L A Osgood, vacated. Mr R H Heston having failed to qualify his office was, by regular motion, declared vacant, and Mr J W Laurence elected to fill the place. Resignation of Marshal J H Garber read and and accepted. On motion Mr S T Whittington was elected to that office. Request from Mr H H A Hastings that the expense of putting in water connection with certain described property, to wit: $2.50 be allowed and applied on the water rent accruing on said property, read and granted On motion warrant was ordered drawn on the Current Expense Fund for the sum of $6.50 in favor of J H Garber for salary as Town MArshal in full to date. By regular motion Council adjourned. C S Chase clerk Ordinance establishing salaries of Town Officers read and passed. C F Reeves mayor