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Columbia Wash June 6th 1898
The Town Council of the Town of Columbia met
in regular session with Mayor Reeves in
the Chair. Roll-call answered by Campbell,
Osgood, Lawrence, Cameron and Hepler
Minutes of extra and last regular session
read and approved.
Water Committee reported Mrs Andrews
petition for reduction of water tax rejected. By
reason of another family being domiciled
with her. Reported Rainier Ave Electric Ry
's water rate as fixed at one dollar per month.
Railway franchise committee reports that no
harmonious understanding had been arrived at
between the two parties concerned, but that
some progress had been made in the matter.
Bill of A H Hepler for material used by the
Marshal in street repair work anount .30 cts.
read and accepted and warrant ordered
drawn on the Current Expense fund for the
Bill of Lowman & Hanford for receipt blanks
and stationary for the Town of Columbia amount
.75 cts - read and accepted and warrant ordered
drawn of the Current Expense Fund for
the same.
Bill of Henry Lamb for cleaning reservoir
and road and street work, read and accepted
and warrant ordered drawn of the Current
Expense fund for the amount of $12.00
Marshal's report for the month of May read and
favorably commented upon.
By regular motion City Attorney was
instructed to draw up an ordinance covering
the disposal of obstructions in the streets and
alleys, and to frame an amendment to
the stock ordinance protecting property owners
and lessees from the depredation of hogs.
The mayor's request for a six weeks leave of
absence granted and Mr C R Hepler appointed
as acting mayor during his absence.
Then by regular motion meeting adjourned.
Approved C R Hepler mayor pro tem
C S Chase clerk.

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