To His Honor the mayor and Common Council of the City of
Seattle W T
Seattle Wash., Sept, 23rd-1889
We the undersigned property owners and residentants, living upon
Alton Street, in the said city of Seattle, would humbly pray that your
honorable body will grant our request for the placing of six electric
lights, places as follows: to-wit; one on east side of Alton St between
Jackson and King Streets, and one on north-east corner of King & Alton
Street, and one on the east far side of Alton between King and Weller Streets
and one on the north-west corner of Alton and Weller Streets, aand one on the East side of Alton between Weller and Cullen Streets, and one on the
corner of Cullen and Alton Street, we are humbly yours.
[?Martin & Co]
[?Curecei Brch 5]
F T Iler
C A Cram
Jas Manning
Wm McCarter
John Beck
Mr G T Gardner
James McNamara
Hiram Rayburn
Lyle V Stewart
C M Barness
O C Whilkey
A J Trigg
Eli Poleson
Mrs E P Bowditch
John H Pritchard
Ed Cook
H McDarind
Monroe Grinelle
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