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Application for Correction of Assessment
I, Robert Abrams hereby make application to
the City Council of Seattle of King County, Washington, for the following correction of an assessment on the
R E Tax Roll of 1893 to-wit:
To cancel the Assessment of "Lake
Addition to Seattle" and to have
assessed at price of land described as
Com. at point on the shore of Lake
in King County Washington which
point is 14.15 chains North and 1.22 chains
east of the Soutwest Corner of Lot 3 of
Sec 20 T 25 N R 4 E thence following the
meanders of said Lake north 1 degree west
1.4 chains, north 29&3/4 degrees east
3.5 chains, north 14 degrees easr 0.5 chains
thence East 8.52 chains thence South
5.05 chains thence west 10.10 chains to
place of beginning containing 5 acres more
or less" with a land valuation of $3240-
The plat of "Lake Park Addition to Seattle" was "vacated"
May 19, 1884 and should nothave been assessed. Error is
due to the failure of the Auditor (in 1884) to make proper
entry on the plat records. The valuation of $3240.00 as acre
property is like adjoining land. The County Commissioners
have approved a similar petition subject to action by

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