Department of Public Works
Office of the
City Engineer
Reginald H Thompson,
City Engineer
H W Scott,
A V Bouillon,
Assistant Engineers
A Jackson,
Chairman Board Public Works
G N Alexander,
J W Van Brocklin,
Members board Public Works
J A James
Seattle, Washington,
original assessment could not be enforced in the courts of the state
This re-assessment was made, approved and is now in force,
according to the law passed by the last legislature authorizing such
re-assessments. Between the times of the original and the re-assess-
ment, the charter provisions governing the district benefitted and
the manner of assessment, were changed- the lot in question
was by this change of charter provisions left outside of the
assessment district created by the re-assessment ordinance, hence
no assessment or tax was levied against it.
The error in the original assessment was not made by
including property not benefitted in the assessment district but
by other irregularities of procedure. The lot was benefitted
by the grading of Division Street and properly assessed according
to the law then in force. The taxes collected from this and other lots
similarly assessed on the original assessment were used to redeem
the warrants issued in payment of the improvement. The charter
amendments adopted afterwards established a limit of assess-ment districts at 120 feet from street margins hence the lot
in question being further from the street was not included in
the re-assessment and consequently not taxed. Every lot
thence excluded from the new district will eventually receive
such rebate as their previous payments entitle them to,
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