To the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Seattle:-
Your petitioner, S L Bowman, a resident of the city of
Seattle, respectfully petitions your honorable body to enact an or-
dinance granting to your petitioner and his assigns a franchise to
build and operate a line of street railway in the city of Seattle,
beginning at or near the corner of Yesler Avenue and South Second
Street, thence southand east along south Second, Jackson, South
Third and Weller Streets to the east line of the Syndicate Addi-
tion, thence southeasterly to the south boundry line of the city,
which proposed route is more particularly designated in a draft
herewith submitted of such an ordinance to that end as will be sat-
isfactory to your petitioner; subject to such alterations of said
proposed ordinance and ot the route therein designated, if any, as
may appear suitable to your honorable body and as may be agreed
upon between your honorable body and the undersigned.
All which is respectfully submitted.
Dated, June 27, 1890
S L Bowman
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