Madison Street Extension
From Front Street to Deep Water.
The work will consist of piling
and planning Madison Street, 66
feet wide, from a point near the
alley betweeen Front Street and West Streets
to a point about 450 feet West therefrom,
or to a point to be desegnated by the
City Surveyor.
Piles used to be of best quality of
Yellow fir from live, thrifty growth,
and not less than 14 inches in di-
ameter at large and, nor less than
10 inches in diameter at the small
end. Piles driven in water to be with
bark on; those driven above low tide
to be stripped of bark. Piles must be
driven until the sinking, under a
blow from a hammer weighing 2000
pounds, falling 20 feet, is less than
half an inch. Piles to be measured
and paid for in structure, no allowance
being made for waste by cut off.
Timber used must be of best
quality of Yellow Fir, free from
rotten knots and wind [shakes?]
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