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Acme Chemical Works
Curtiss Brothers, Proprietors
Manufacturers of Root Beer, Ink, Bluing, Etc.
1728 Thirteeth Street
Seattle Washington
July 20 1891

To the Mayor and Council of the City of Seattle, We the undersigned citizens of the City of Seattle and residents in the vicinity of 12th Street and Olive Streets do petition your Honourable body to Abate as a nuisance the continual playing of baseball on Sunday, on block 56 Heirs of Sarah A. Bells Second Addition to the City of Seattle, thereby disturbing the peace and quiet of the citizens of the said neighborhood.

Mrs. M.E. Dutton
Mrs. Custiss
Mrs. H. G. Potter
Mrs. H. Hough
Miss L. E. Hough
Mrs. G. Harrison
L. M. Summers
M. L. Barnhart
A.E. DeKay
Mrs. Geo. Martin
Mrs. H.M. Frankland
Mrs. B. H. Holland
Mrs. Wilson
Morry Penter
Frank [?]
Emma Pettersen
Emma Randall
Laura Knipe

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