Know all men by there present that George
Ross as Principal and are George Gibson and
H J Behrens and F A Buck.
As surities all of the City of Seattle in the
county of King and State of Washington
are held and firmly bound unto the
City of Seattle in the sum of Four Hun
dred and Fifty-dollars lawful money
of the United States for which payment
well and truly to be made we hereby find
ourselves our heirs executors and ad-
ministrators firmly by these pres-
ents sealed with our seals and da-
ted this 7th day of December 1891
The condition of the foregoing oblis
is as follows to wit: that whereas on or-
about the 10th of November 1891 for value re-
ceived said the city of Seattle issued and de-
livered to Albro Gardner its Warrant No 4926
by the terms and conditions of which
it promised to pay to Albro Gardner on
his order the sum and amount
of two hundred dollars: that afterwards
on November 12th 1891 the above founder
George Ross purchased from said Albro
Gardner for value said City Warrant No
4926 and became the absolute owner
thereof; that on the night of December 1st
1891 the bounden George Ross was first
assistant engineer on the steamer Eastern
Oregon lying on the Gridsen at Olym-
pia; that he had a said Seaner among
his other personal effects said city warrand
No 4926; that on said December 1st 1891 said
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