Office of the City Clerk
" 9 ---------- George Misener ------------- 4311
"10 --------- T. E. Nunan ------------------- 3124
"11 --------- Valentine Hall --------------- 3006
"12 --------- Conrad Fauntleroy --------- 4027
"13 --------- E. E. Kribbs ------------------- 1888
"14 --------- George R. Finn -------------- 3615
Total ---------------------------- 43,467
This showing is eminently satis-
factory and gratifying. It estab-
lishes conclusively the lead of Seattle among
the cities of the State, the population found
here almost equalling in numbers the
combined peoples of the two next largest
cities. It also goes to prove
that the past claims of our citizens have
not genrally been exaggerated, but on
the contrary have been within the range
of truth. That the marvellous
growth of Seattle may be clearly and
powerfully exemplified, the statements fol-
lowing are presented:
In 1880, ten years ago, the U. S.
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