To the Hon. the Mayor and Common
Council of the City of Seattle
I hereby represent the following
That on July 20, 1885 I proclaimed
the interest of James Miles in
the Pioneer Saloon; that said
James Miles has recently taken
out a license for said Saloon
which said license
commences July 15, 1885;
Wherefore I ask upom
Hon. body with the consent
of said James Miles, to apply
the money already paid by
said Miles on his said license
to the license I have applied
for this date inas much as I
succeed said Miles in said
I hereby state George C. Delfel foregoing
facts are true and that I consent
that the money already paid
by me for a license be applied
upon the license of said Geo C. Delfel
upon my surrendering up my license
to the City Clerk.
James Miles
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