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To the Honorable Board of Aldermen and House of Delagates of the City
of Seattle:-
We the undersigned taxpayers, residing and doing
business on and in the vacinity of Depot St. most respectfully rpquest
your Honorable bodies to order an Arc light placed at the corner of
Depot and Willow Sts. as recommended and granted some time ago by the
late Common Council of said City of Seattle, and your petitioners will
every pray.
A E Guy & Co
Geo T Hendrei
Albert Wilhm
J A McAuslan
E W Tryes
N Ericksen
B A Anderson
F Ora Nickel
W J Dobbie
R A Wheli
Wm McDellem
Thompson Booth
Edmond & James
C W Hawes
O J Hadsit
S M Newman
G A Paich
H F Smithson
T Washburn
Thomas Douley
C H Lilly
Jas E Crichton
J W Putnam
Shalz Cuboch & Koch
William Allan
G W Seymons
H C Green
L B Henderson
H C Thompson
A M Sterem
W W Casper
John Nestor
Geo O Dodge
D R Judkins

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