Seattle Wash. Sept 19, 1890
Honorable Mayor and Common Council:-
Pursuant of Ordinance
No 1362, entitled "An Ordinance to widen and
establish Main Street etc.", we are holders of
property condemned, hereby appoint for and
on our behalf Charles Roberts, whose resi-
dence is on Sixth Street near Pine of the
City of Seattle; the said Charles Roberts to act as
appraiser on our behalf in the above condemnation.
We however, take exception to the sections 7 and 8 of
the said ordinance.
We further agree to abide by the decision of the
board of appraisers, provided always in case the
said board of appraisers award ample, just, and suf-
ficient amounts to reimburse us, and to recompence
us in full for any and all damages, delays, and trouble
incident to the entire Condemnation proceedings
Respectfully Referred by
Geo W Dombach
Fred E Sander
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