Of Charles A Duke
Made on oath as an applicant for appointment as a member of the Police Force of the City of Seattle, in
the form of question and answer, for the purpose of establishing his qualifications for that duty.
Question. What is your name?
Answer. Charles A Duke
Q. Where were your parents born?
A. Paris, France Hoboken, N.J.
Q. Where were you born?
A. Hoboken N.J.
Q. When were you born?
A. Aug 1st 1849
Q. If out of the United States, have you been naturalized?
Q. In what Bourt, when and where?
A. -
Q. Have you your final Papers?
Q. an you rad and write the English language understandly
A. Yes.
Q. Have you ever been convicted of any crime?
A. No.
Q. where do you reside?
A. 114 Albert St. City
Q.How long have you resided there?
A. Four (4) years.
Q. How long have you lived in Seattle? In this State?
A. Four (4) years
Q. Are you married or single?
Q. If married, what family have you, and do they reside with you?
A. Wife and daughter -yes-
Q. What has been your trade, business or employment?
A. Carpenter and R.R. man
Q. Have your paid or promised to pay, or give any money, thing, service or consideration, to any person, directly
or indirectly, for any recommendation, service or influence given, used or promised towards procuring
your appointment?
A. No
Q. Are you in good health, of firm constitution, and able bodied?
A. Yes
Q. Have you ever had the rheumatism, hernia, piles, or any chronic disease? and if so, how long since?
A. No
Q. Are you aware of any bodily or other defect which will impair you usefulness as a policeman?
A. No
Q. Have you ever been in the U.S. Military Service? If so, what, and were you hininrably discharged?
A. Yes. -Yes-
Q. Have you ever been a Policeman?
A. Dpty Sherrif & constable in Kansas under Judge Wilson
Q. Are your parents, or either of them Dead? and if so, of what disease did they die?
A. No
Signature. Charles A Duke
NOTICE-Any false statement, evasion or decption in answering the foregoing question, will be ground of summary dismissal
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