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2 revisions | StephanieJoWebb at Mar 28, 2020 08:02 PM 990585_Page_3
To His Honor the Mayor and Common Council, of the City
of Seattle,
The undersigned citizens of said City, believing that it
would be of very great and lasting advantage to the commer-
cial interest, as well as to the city at large, that a steet
150 feet wide be laid out by the city for a public highway,
commencing on the West Side of Commercial Street, at or near
the intersection of Brunswick and Commercial Streets, thence
running West to a point within 200 feet of the R.R. Avenue,
thence Westerly parallel with R.R. Ave. to the City limits.
And you petitioners will ever pray:
[[A MacKintosh]]
[[Abram Barker]]
[[John Leary]]
[[W P Boyd]]
[[Geo B Adair]]
[[L Surun]]
[[Isaac Dobson]]
[[Foklas Singerman]]
[[J B MacDougall]]
[[E B Burwell]]
[[Geo F Raymond]]
[[J K Basye]]
[[Doheny P Manum]]
[[W Miller]]
[[Drumond & Cheasty]]
[[J M Lang & Co]]
[[A E Giering]]
To His Honor the Mayor and Common Council, of the City 990585_Page_3 |