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Office of The Eagle
Oil Refining Co

Refiners of Petroleum and its Products
General Offices
San Francisco Ca

Seventh & King Sts
3 California St
104 Market St
room 6

W R Wands, president
W A Hanley, vice president
C T Burnham, secretary and treasurer

To the Chairman
Fire & Water Committee
City Council
Dear Sir:
We respectfully request that your committee inspect
and make a report on our building situated at Bell St near
West. So as to enable us to take our a business license and con-
tinue our business uninterupted. We have complied
in every particular with the requirements of the
ordinances relative to the storage of oils and products
of petroleum. We have shown our confidence in the
stability and future of Seattle by making a permanent
investment here and we trust your report will be
made immediately and our license granted us at once.
Will there by any objsections to our storing oil in the
new building immediately? Where we are now located
409 Jackson St we are unable to abtain any insur-
ance protection we are therefore most anxious to move
our stock to a safer locality. We have there only lubrica-
ting oils no kerosene or gasoline. and you can readliy

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