To the Honorable Mayor and
Council of theCity of Seattle
We the undersigned
Residents of this City Residing in
the vicinity of Lake Unoin. Most
Respectfully ask that your Honorable
body take the necessary steps to
provide an alarm Bell for
Engine company No3 Thee being
at present no means whatever
for sounding an alarm in
case of Fire and also Two
good Laadders one Sixteen and
one 24 feet long. +
Western Mill Co.
Lake Union Furniture Co.
G L Burns
B Kurz
A E Hansen
Henry Penner
W M Jones
G E Penner
H J Morden
James Frankland
A J Charleston
R Cheadle
Geo W Hall
E Bryan
B B Freid
H J Hansen
W H Blick
Frank W Chandberg
C C Rich
William Rich
W W Smith
Joseph Raber
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