To the Honorable:
The Mayor and Common Council
of the City of Seattle:
The undersigned, former mem-
bers of the Volunteer Fire Depart-
ment of the City of Seattle, respect-
fully petition your Honorable body,
to donate to them the old stand
Fire Engine, formerly used by
the Volunteer Fire Department.
The said Engine has very little
intrinsic value, but as your
petitioners propose to keep up
and continue their organization,
they would value it, for its
past associations, and would
consider the gift as a graceful
recognition of their past services
to the City.
Josiah Collins Jr
R. H. Culligan
W. R. Forrest
I. H. Woolery
[?] McGraw
James Th. Gough
X. Muller
Wm Chisholm
Matthew W. Hand
James McIntyre
J Hamilton Jewels
Bailey Gatzert
August Mehlhorn
J. Fi McDonald
E. Myer
Wm Murphy
C H Albertson
Daniel Moore
C. E. McElroy
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