Letter from Geo D Snow Filed Jany 23d/91
Ref to Bo of Pub Works
To H. of D.
F. W. D. H Secy
F. W. Holbrook, Secretary
Seattle, Washington, Feb. 2 1891
To the
Hon City Council,
City of Seattle.
The accompanying letter from Mr. Geo. D. Snow, Supt. Fire Alarm respecting the needs of his Dept, referred to this Board by the Board of Fire [Commissioners], has received due consideration and is referred to your Honorable Body with favorable recommendation for adoption, for the supplies and service therein advised.
Board of Pub. Works
Seattle, Wash. Jan 21 1891
Hon Board of Fire Comrs
Seattle Wash.
Dear Sirs:
As per a resolution passed by your Hon body at last session I hereby respy submit locations for additional boxes for fire alarm purposes.
Corner of Marion + West Sts
" of Washn + South Second
I would also recommend the changing of box at corner of Pine + 3rd to corner of Pike and Third, and box at Spring + West to University + West.
Should these additions be made I would have then but one box on hand not in use having fire now. As I
understand the matter I can put in the boxes on hand when and where I am satisfied the needs of the city and dept require but in view of the fact that I have been repeatedly spoken to regarding fire alarm service out along Yesler Ave + Jackson St I have delayed any placing of these boxes until I could refer the matter to you.
I have been over the ground in that locality and if the service is established in that part of City I would recommend the placing of boxes one near Lawton's nursery and another on the hill beyond. on Yesler Ave. and one each at Corner of Market + Jackson
& Pearl & Jackson. This would cover the [strickly?] settled part of that section. To build this section I should require 75 Iron brackets at a cost of about $1.40 each. 90 Glasses @ 4 c each 300 lag bolts 3 1/2 inches long and a few incidentals used in putting in boxes There are other locations in the city that I think should be protected also and I would therefore respy suggest that 10 additional fire alarm boxed be purchased to be put in during the year. Also as I have only enough main line wire for the Jackson St extension I would ask that