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Seattle February 25th 1890
To the
Honorable City Council of Seattle
We the businessmen doing business near the
corner of Front Street and Columbia Streets, beg your
honorable body to erect an electric light (arc)
at the above names corner, for the following reasons
1st on account of the bad condition of street in that
2nd on account of the great amount of building
material, which is more or less scattered on the
3rd the bad condition of sidewalk which caused
a serious accident last week
4th on account of the many saloons in that neigh-
borhood which attracts an undesirable amount
of bad characters, which requires light, hoping
the above reasons are sufficient, we again
ask you to grant our prayer

Stearns Parson & Co cor[ner] Front Street & Columbia Street
C.P. [Dedeinte/] & Co. 808 Front Street
R.A. Chisholm 814 Front Street

A.J. Murray 814 Front Street
J.K. Baske 804 Front Street
Lewis and Agassig 810 Front Street
Lombard [M. Widcairns?] 108 Columbia Street
PA Moore 108 Columbia Street
Journal Publishing Co - [Chass Pauben Ruswyn?]
Times Publishing Co 113 Columbia Street
Gordan Bus 113 Columbia Street
Home Fire Ins. Co. Front Street & Columbia Streets

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