To his (Hon?) the Mayor and the
Common Council of the City of
We the Undersigned
Would respecfully (request?): that
the private (Sewers?) of property
Owners on the East Side of Fifth
Street between Cherry Street and
James Streets Empty on said
Fifth Street thereby creating an
offensive pool, which can
be (remedied?) only by Your Hon..
body causing the main Sewer
(now? begun?) on said streets to
be continued to said Cherry
Street, wherefor your
petitioners pray that your
Hon body Cause said Sewer
to be finished from the end therof
on said Fifth Street to said
Cherry Street, and (your?) Petitioners
will (ever?) Pray (etc?);
Fridolin (MIkeln?)
(S.?) Kenney
M. Anderson
T. (Brkv Mitty?) E. Carr
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