The City of Seattle
Board of Public Works
George F Meacham
Seattle Washington Nov 17th 1894
Mr A Jackson
Dear Sir
It will require 200 of pipe
to lay a main from Albert St to and opposite the walk
between the two first houses designated in the petition
hereto attached.
There is one other house in the block named
in this petition except Mr Meister's but in the next
block west there are seven dwellings. at present
supplied with water from the Pontius Systems
which on account of rate charges is not satisfactory.
In view of this fact, it would seem inadvisible
to lay a smaller pipe than a 2"
The cost of which will be as follows:
200' 2" Blk pipe @.09cents $18.00
1 2" Gate valve 2.50
1 2" Nipple .25
1 Wooden box for gate valve .25
excavating truck, laying pipe & refilling truck 11.25
respectfully submitted $32.25
A C Nelson
I would recommend the granting
of petition of Mr Meister
[?] W Works
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