Seattle, Washington. May 8 1894.
To the Honorable;
The Board of Public Works.
Seattle, Washington
We, the Undersigned, residents and taxpayers in the City of
Seattle, respectfully petition that five (5) Arc Lights be located at
the following points on Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, all but the
one on Lane street being on Beacon Hill.
One light at the corner of Lane and Fourteenth streets.
One light at the corner of Catherine and Fourteenth streets.
One light at the corner of Atlantic and Fourteenth streets.
One light at the corner of Amy and Fifteenth streets.
one light at the corner of Frederick and Fifteenth streets.
Thousands of dollars have been expended on Beacon Hill, yet up to
the present time we have been unable to secure any light service.
We earnestly request that this petition receive your early atten-
Respectfully yours,