Seattle, Washington, July 13th.,1893
To the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Seattle:
We, the undersigned, property owners and residents of Beacon
Hill, City of Seattle, respectfully petition your Honorable Body
to place at the corner of Frederick and Fifteenth Streets, or as
near thereto as practicable, a fire alarm box, for the reason that
in case of fire, there is no means of communication with the fire
department of the City, nearer than the alarm box situated at
Eleventh and Jackson Streets; and further, for the reason that
there are many valuable residences in the vicinity mentioned, owned
by the undersigned petitioners, who feel that they are entitled
to the same proctection in case of fire, as other residents of the
And your petitioners will every pray.
New England Northwestern Investment Co. [pr. M S G Young Genl Manager]
M S G Young
D W Emmory
M S Scott
E. Atwood Jr
W. H. Oliver
H M Viele
[Mrs Swanberg]
W. F. McKay
C H Black
F W Black
J A Johnson
I hereby recommend that
the above petition be
granted as the above
mentioned locality is
without sufficient means
of communication with
this Dept.
A B Hunt
Chief Fire Dept
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