Seattle Wash, Dec 20, 1893
To the Mayor and Council
of the City of Seattle
We the undersigned residents of the City of Seattle,
respectfully but earnestly remonstrate against the adoption by
your honorable body, of any plan for constructing the proposed
sewer on Front and Commercial Streets, that will require the ces-
sation of operationof the Front Street Cable Company's cars on
said streets. In our opinion, such stoppage would be an injustice
to the owners of said car line, to its patrons (many of whomhave
no other convenient means of reaching the business part of the
City), and to those engaged in business on Front and Commercial
Seattle Hardware Co.
J M Lang & Co
Louch Augustine & Co
Dimock & Cheasty
J W Colman
Tho MacDougan & Southwick & Co
Merchants National bank
Gordon & Cardmore Co
W H Pumphrey & Co
C E Holmes
Star Estate Frank H Winslow, Agt
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