Before the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Seattle
King County, Washington Territory, in the matter of the
application of Jacob Furth for a correction of his assess-
ment for taxes for the year 1889.
Territory of Washington
County of King )ss
Jacob Furth being first only sworn. On
his oath says: that he is the identical person who through
his agent made application to the Mayor and Common Council
of the City of Seattle, sitting as a Board of Equalization
praying the reduction of his assessment in the sum of
$48,780.00 for the year 1889.
That upon the application of the Assessor of King
County, Washington Territory, he delievered to the said
assessor a detail list of all his personal and other prop-
erty subject to taxation, and therein he stated that he
should pay taxes on credits due him to the amount of
$10,000.00: that therein he calculated and included all
debts due him by way of mortgage or otherwise.
That after he had so given his said detail list
to the said Assessor, he, the said Assessor, or some person
to affiant unknown, added to the said detail list the follo
ing item, to wit: *34 mortgages $43,780.00:
That by reference to the minutes and records of the
assessors' office, your affiant has discovered that the
said sum of $48,780.00 is assessed to him on account of the
fact that on the 2nd day of April A.D. 1889, there stood
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