



Status: Indexed

of redord in the Auditor's office of said County, as pay-
able to him. 84 mortgages aggregating the sum of $104,565.
Upon their face, a complete list of which mortgages is
attached hereto and made a part hereof: that said mort-
gages should not have been so assessed to affiant nor any
of them in addition to the assessment which affiant him-
self turned in, as will more fully appear from the follow-
ing statement of the same, to wit: --------------------------------------
--The mortgage by J. Milroy (see schedule attached) had
been satisfied by foreclosure long before the year 1889.
--The mortgage by C.J. Chilberg, has been paid in full
prior to the year 1889.------------------------------------------------
--The mortgage by J.M. Kollock, had been paid prior to the
year 1889.---------------------------------------------------------------------
--The mortgage by N. Chilberg, had been paid prior to the
year 1889.------------------------------------------------------------------------
--The mortgage by Jesse M. Adams, had been paid prior to
the year 1889.--------------------------------------------------------------------
--The mortgage by J.N. Jackson for $350.00 had been paid
prior to the year 1889, except the sum of $200.--------------------
--The mortgage by H.K. Ensminger, had been paid prior to
the year 1889.------------------------------------------------------------
--The mortgage by U.R. Niesz, had been paid prior to April
1st 1889.-------------------------------------------------------------------------
--The mortgage by J.D. Lowman, had been paid prior to the
year 1889.--------------------------------------------------------------------
--The mortgage by Rachel Coombs, had been, prior to April
1st 1889, for a valuable consideration and in good faith
transferred to Sigmund Schwabacher, a resident of the city
of San Francisco, State of California.

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