July 9 1891; Date created; No: A petition, signed by over 100 citizens, requested that the Council pass ordinances prohibiting the sale of milk from cows fed malt leftover from breweries. The petitioners believed that such milk, called swill or malt milk, caused disease.

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991067 Seattle, Washington. July 9th 1891.

To The Honorable City Council, of the City of Seattle.


We the undersigned, producers or consumers of milk, sold in and about the City of Seattle, hereby respectfully petition your Honorable Body, and respectfully submit as follows:

That we are informed that a large quantity of the milk, sold in and about the city of Seattle, is milk produced from cows fed on malt, after being used by the breweries for the purposes of brewing beer; that it is a known fact, that the milk produced from such feed is very injurious and conducive to disease, more especially the ailments in which infants are affected; that we are also informed and believe that such malt or swill milk, which is now being used in the said City and vicinity, is produced from Six-hundred cows, which are fed upon the refuse made from the breweries. The milk from this number of cows form a large portion of the supply at present sold and distributed to the families in the City of Seattle. The sale of this malt or swill milk is prohibited in all well regulated Cities of the United States and should be prohibited in the City of Seattle.

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


We therefore respectfully petition your Honorable Body, to pass such ordinances as will prohibit the sale of such milk, and that such ordinances provide for the appointment of an inspector with the necessary powers to prohibit the sale and distribution of all such milk, and all other unhealthy milk, and condemn the same.

And your petitioners will ever pray.

The sale of swill or malt fed milk is injurious to health and is the cause of a great number of the deaths from cholera infantum.

Geo. H. T. Sparling MD Health Officer

J. Lesser San Francica Shoe Store A. A. Guernsey Real Estate Agt Thos H McGough California Bakery John N. McDonnell Geo W. Furry Clerk A. P. Burwelt Merchant R. B. Gillis Jacob Lucy C. S. Longing W. S. MorleyJewler R. G. Owens W. E. Williams Merchant Jas. Mcally Merchant John Emanlot

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


J.H. Cameron Atty at Law

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


Seattle, Washington. July 9th 1891.

To the Honorable City Council, of the City of Seattle.


We the undersigned producers or consumers of milk, sold in and about the city of Seattle, hereby respectfully submit as follows:

That we are informed that a large quantity of the milk sold in and about the City of Seattle, is milk produced from cows fed on malt, after being used by the breweries for the purposes of brewing beer; that it is a known fact, that the milk produced from such feed is very injurious and conducive to diseases, more expecially the ailments by which infants are affected; that we are also informed and believe that such malt or swill milk, which is now being used in the said City and vicinity, is produced from about Six-hundred cows, which are fed upon the refuse malt from the breweries. The milk from this number of cows for a large portion of the supply at present sold and distributed to the families in the city of Seattle. The sale of this malt or swill milk is prohibited in all well regulated Cities of the United States, and it should be prohibited in the City of Seattle.

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


We therefore respectfully petition your Honorable Body, to pass such ordinances as will prohibit the sale of such milk, and that such ordinances provide for the appointment of an inspector with the necessary powers to prohibit the sale and distributionof all such mil, and all other unhealthy milk, and condemn the same.

And your petitioners will ever pray.

The sale of swill + malt fed milk is injurious to health and is the cause of a great number of deaths from Cholera Infantum. Such sale should be prohibited by law.

Geo. H. T. Sparling MD Health Officer

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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