West Seattle, Grading. Parking. Etc.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received by the under
signed up to 8 p. m. November 12
1906, for the grading and parking of
California avenue from the south line
of Spruce street to the northerly line
of Grant Street; Vashon avenue from
the south line of Spruce street to the
northerly line of Sunset avenue; Olym-
pic avenue from the south line of
Spruce street to the northerly line of
Sunset avenue; Columbia avenue from
the south line of Spruce street to the
westerly line of Sunset avenue; Hal-
ler avenue from the soutth line of
Spruce street to the northerly line of
Sunset Avenue; Spruce street between
the easterly line of California avenue
and the westerly line of Haller ave-
nue; Cedar street betweeen the east
erly line of California avenue and the
westerly line of Haller avenue; Grand
avenue between Spruce street and Cal-
ifornia avenue; Madrona street be-
tween the eaterly line of California
avenue and the westerly line of Hal-
ler ave; Laurel street between the
easterly line of California avenue and
the westerly line of Haller avenue;
Maple street betwen the easterly line
of California avenue and the westerly
line of Haller avenue; Grant street
between the easterly line of Califor-
nia avenue and the westerly line of
Sunset avenue; Sunset avenue be-
tween the easterly line of Olympic ave-
nue and the westerly line of Haller
avenue as provided by Ordinance No.
157 of the City of West Seattle, cre-
ating local improvement district num-
ber 4 and in accordance with the plans
and specifications now on file in my
Copy of said plans and specifica-
tions can be seen at the office of
Gardner & Gardner, civil engineers,
Pacific Block, Seattle.
Each bid must be accompanied by
certified check payable to the order
of the city treasurer for a sum not
less than five (5) per cent of the bid
and no bid will be considered unless
accompanied by such check.
Special attention of bidders is call-
ed to the state law regarding the num-
ber of hours constituting a days work
as now in force.
The Council of the City of West
Seattle reserve the right to reject any
and all bids.
Proposals must be endorsed on en-
velopes, "Bids for California Avenue
et al Grading."
W G Dickenson
City Clerk
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