To the Hon. City Council of
the City of Seattle WA.
The undersigned resp-
fully protests and objects to being
taxed or assessed upon the
Mortgage of James W Stuart
made to her of $3000.00 for the
reason that she has not
owned said Mortgage or the
debt secured by at
any time during the year
1885, that the same was endorsed
and delivered to A M H Nichols
of Detriot Michigan,and
affint has not now and has
not had during an y part of
the year 1885 any interest
Heinrick M Haller
Territory of Washongton
County of King
H M Haller
being duly sworn on oath says
that she has read the foregoing
statement & Knows is content and
bleieves the same to be true
Subscribed aand sworn to before me
thia 21st say of May 1885
H M Haller
T N Haller
Notary Public
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