


Status: Indexed

To the Honorable City Council
of City of Seattle
At sale for City Taxes
of 1890 held July 18th 1891 the
West 20 ft of East forty feet
of Lots 1 and 2 Blk 2
Burke's addition
sold to T Hanford as
shown by ceertificates No 427
and 428, which certificates
sale assigned by [T Hanford]]
to me.
Sale was erroneous, the
property being owned by
the City.
I therefore request that
you refund to me the cost
of said ceertificates $3.30 with
Respectfully submitted
John S Howe
by W W Dearborn
his attorney in fact
Seattle Sept 13th 1892
#429 - $1.65 Engine House City Property
#428 - $1.65 $3.30
OK A Krug City Treas
pr Graff asst

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