To the Honorable City Council
of City of Seattle
At sale for City
Taxes of 1890, held July 18th
1891 Lots 1 to 6 inclusive
Blk 19 and Lot 1 to 6 inclusive
Blk 20 E Hanford's Addition
was sold to T Hanford as
shown by certificates numbered
1148 to 1159, said certificates
having been assigned by
T Hanford to me.
Sale was erroneous, the
property being outside Mean-
der Line on Tide Flats and
not taxable.
I therefore request that
you refund to me the cost
of certificate $24.96 with
Respectfully submitted
John L Howe
By W W Dearborn
his attorney in fact
Seattle Sept 13th 1892
#1148 to #1159 Inc $24.96
OK A Krug City Treas
pr W H Graff asst
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