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cars. We have no means, many of us, of conveying coal and fuel
into our wood houses, nor groceries into our dwelling houses.
The district of the City is thickly populated with expensive
buildings, with a contented, law abiding, industrious people.
To thus deprive these people, who have all there years borne with the
inconvenience now bearable no longer, whohave said their taxes
unmurmuringly and without complaint just because of the simple
fact, that to open this street will cost four of five thousand doll-
ars, seems to us to be an act of gross injustice.
We are informed that there is now a proposition before your
honorable body to condemn certain property and open three cross
streets instead of Main Street aforesaid. This propostition
does not remedy the wrong suffered by your petitioners.
This wrong can only be remedied by opening up Main Street as
established and laid out by the Ordinance herein before referred to.
Your petitioners, therefore, earnestly urge that you proceedto open
up said Street, according to the ordianance aforesiad. We desire
to knkow as soon as possible whether or not this large population
is to have redress from the hands of the legl representatives
of the City or whether we are to be left entirely at the mercy
of obstructionists and schemers, and your petitioners will ever
L B Wood
Martin Long
B T Smith
Emil Anderson
R Albin
A M Ciel
W H Shaffer
A C Dhalman
W W Long
Mrs Mary Deley

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