Shoudy Bros & Co
J A Shoudy
J H Stevens } Ellensburgh, Wash
W H Shoudy
[F S Sylvester]] } Seattle, Wash
Wholesale Commission Merchants
Dealers in Flour, Feed, Hay, Grain, Provisions, Fruit and General Produce
Foot of Jackson Street opposite City Dock
Seattle Wash Nov 21st '89
To the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Seattle
Gentlemen, The undersigned respectfully solicit
your honorable body to cause the removal of a
Stone Cutters yard on Jackson Street. (near
Commercial) beteween Rail Road Avenue and Commercial
Street. Said yard is now occuplying the North
side of Jackson Street, which is planked thus
forcing the heavy teaming to the South side where
there is no planking.
In all respects the above stone yard is a nuisance
and we ask your honorable body to have it
removed to the limits of private property
as the interests of said yard is in several buildings
on adjacent property.
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