124 6/6-90 603-F Stimpson Mill Co et al For the grading of John St Elliot Bay to Lombard Com. on Streets recommend that the petition be granted and the City engineers instructed to submit pland and specifications
T E Jones chairman F A Turchell
FILED JUN 6 1890 John St
T the Honorable Mayor and Common Council of the City of Seattle
Gentlemen Your petitioners the owners of property of John Street in the City of Seattle respectfully request your honorable body to order said John Street graded and Sidewalked From Elliot Bay to Lombard Street with 8ft of walk on each side.
Name /Lot /Blk ________________________________________ 1. 6 Stimson Mill /1,2,3,8,9,&10/18 N Seattle 2 1. E Leockwood / 1/59 3 3. B F Bette / Lots 11&12 Blk 59 Lot 7BLk60 4 1. W C Sanderlin /3/68 5 1/2 L H Foster / South half 12/68 6 1. Mrs. F Raftery / 11/68 7 1 Priert & Turner / 1/67 8 1 Frank Teem /7/67 9 2 Wm Ritterhoff /1&2/68 1- 1 Dyer & Nickerson /2/67 11 1 Mrs H L Hall /2/59 12 2 August Schone /5x6/60 13 1 Chas Kayser /n 40ft/68 14 1 B A Anderson /Lot 2 /58
15 Names Lots blocks __________________________________________ 16 1 N W Battle / 1-Dennys 3rd Ad/ 48 17 1 Peter Bettinger / Lot 5 B47 Dennys 3rd Add 18 5 Geo Kinnero /Lots 5,6,7,8,9 Block 37 " 19 1 J C Redward /6/59 20 1 S A Voble /8/67 1 W W Swank / lot 4/37 1 H M Crleuian / 4/60 2 Estate of Erasmio Haller dec'd by FN Haller admins /5&6/ 58 in DT Dennys Park ad 1 Mrs. M M Hayward by J R Donihue / 9/20 3 P Bartels /1,2,&3/ blk 19
Line # Name /Lot /Block __________________________________________________ 20 1 Karl C Wagenbach /1/49 21 2 A Johnson /11/49 22 1 Conrad Bieber /7/50 23 2 Mrs E G Donihue / Lot1Block58 Lot8Block60 24 1 Fred Kelly /6/47 25 2 Christine Kelly /10&11/58 26 2 G S Dudley /2lots 1x2/38 27 1 S Cabanske /1 lot 12/38 28 1 Martin Paup /7/27 29 2 Leorge W Krimball /2lots-7-8/block20 30 1 Mrs S Balink /lot3 /38 31 1 F Nolte /xlot6/" 20 32 1 J F Lord 1. 8/" 50 33 1 Robt P Stanton /10 /68 34 5 Louis Sohnsby H W Whulagt /4,5,6,7,&8/40 35 1 P West /6/27 36 1 Wm Dankel / 10/59 37 4 A A Denny /1,10,11,12/ 29 1&1/2 W Spreseks / half of lot 11 & Lot 12/19 1&1/2 Christ West / lot10 & half of lot 11/ 19