A. M. Kent requested pay for the days he was sick and unable to perform his duties as a police officer. While he was sick the Chief of Police dismissed him from the police force because he did not receive notice that he was sick. Mr. Kent claimed that he had sent notice. The Board of Aldermen granted his claim. See full description in Digital Collections




Mr President: Your Committee on Claims to whom was referred claim of Capt A M Kent beg leave to report favorably on the same Referred to Com of 5[?]

Last edit over 2 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


Committee report Mr President: Your Committee on Finance to whom was referred Petition of Captn A M Kent beg leave to resepectfully submit the following report: We report favorably on the same and recommend that his claim be allowed. Report Adopted F A Pontius W A snyder E S Ingraham committee

Last edit over 2 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


Seattle, Washington, Nov. 12th., 1891. To The City Council Of the city of Seattle Gentlemen:-- I submit herewith for your consideration the claim of A M Kent for salary due him from May 17th., to June 17th., 1891, together with his claim for $7.40 money paid out for various purposes while a member of the Police Force. Attached to the claim is a sttaement from Chief of Police giving a full explanation of it. Yours respectfully, C W Ferris Comptroller.

Last edit over 2 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


Department of Police Seattle, Wash Bolton Rogers Chief Seattle Nov 12 1891 Hon C W Ferris, Comptroller City of Seattle Sir:- In answer to your request for a report on the claim of A M Kent. Ex Patrolman in this Department, for the sum of $100.75-100 I herewith submit the following statement. OnMay the 12th 1891. Partolman A M Kent, failed to report for duty. and up to May the 24th, a period of thriteen ays, I received noreport eother from Kent personally nor the City hysician as to the cause of his absence, and on May 24th, 1891. In accordance with Rules 46 & 48. Police Rules and Regulations of the Plice Department of the City of Seattle his name was dropped from the Police Roster, the Joseph Topping was appointed with the consent of the chairman of the Hon Board of Police Commission to fill the vacancy until the next meeting of the Board.

Last edit over 2 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


-2I herewith submit rules 46 & 48, of the Rules and Regulations of this Department. RULE XLVI Any patrolman absent from duty without leave shall forfeit all pay for the time of such absence and shall be fined, reprimanded or dismissed from the force at the discretion of the board of police comissioners, except in case of sicknessm when properly certified by the city physician. RULE XLVIII No member of the police force shall withdraw or resign, except by permission of the board of police comissioners, or mayor, under penalty of forfeiting the salary of pay which may be due him. Any member of the police force who shall be absent from duty without leave, for the term of five days, shall, at the expiration of said five days cease to be a member of police force. I also attach copies of my communications relative to the dropping of Patrolman A M Kent, under date of May 24th 1891. to the Hon Henry White, mayor and the Hon Board of Police Comissioners, also cope of my communication under date of June 15 1891. to the Hon Board of Police Comissioners. You will also find attached a transcript of the record of the minutes of the meeting of the Hon Board of Police Comissioners held June 15th 1891 June 1st, 1891. a periodof seventeen days after Ex Patr olman A M Kent, ceased to be a member of this Department a certificate from the City Physician was sent into the Police Office, stating that A M Kent was stricken from May 13th to May 31st. It has always been the custom in this Department during my administration to require a Certificate as to sickness to be filed at the time the applicant reports he is un

Last edit over 2 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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